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How is your Willamette Valley pollinator mix different?The mix is comprised of 100% native Willamette Valley species and it has a very low grass species content. Grasses can be agressive an outcompete wildflowers if not properly balanced.
What will the pollinator mix look like in the first year after I plant?The first year, the annuals (Clarkia amoena, Collomia graniflora, Madia elegans, Gilia capitita, and Plectritis congesta), about 30% of the mix are the primary species to bloom. A few of the perennials will bloom, but not many. In year two, the annuals will be less dominant and the perennials will really take off. Expect lots of Yarrow, Grindelia integrifolia, Lupinus rivularis, Prunella vulgaris, Ranunculus, and Goldenrod. By year three, most of the annuals that haven't naturally reseeded will have dropped out, but the longer-lived perennials like Sidaceas, Potentilla gracillis, and Oregon Sunshine will be blooming strong along with the year 2 perennials. The mix is designed to provide long-term pollinator habitat. We have observed five year old plantings that still look good becuase the high percentage of perennials used. Becuase the annuals do offer beautiful and helpful blooms, but can be lost in older stands, we continue to evaluate ways to effectively reintroduce annual seeds into older stands with minimal distrubance to the existing plantings.
Why should I plant species that are native to the Willamette Valley?Native plants have evolved to thrive in our unique climate. They can withstand our very wet winters and our dry summer with little to no inputs. Many common garden plants and flower seed are species that are native to the Midwest. These plants are dormant in winter but love heat and all the water you can give them in the summer. Willamette Valley natives are usually green all winter and do not need supplemental water in the summer. Providing addtional water can extend bloom times and increse plant height, but it is not neccessary.
How do I care for my native plants?Native plants are very easy to care for. Seeds are best sown in September- October. Soil is warm and rain is predictable. Seeds can also be sown in early March. Plants can be watered sparingly June-August as desired, but is not neccesary. Native plants will grow larger if fertilized, especialy in early spring (March and April), but have adapted to low nutrient environments. Native plants can look at little messy after flowering, feel free to prune plants back or simply mow them down completely in late fall. Mowing will spread the seeds of the annuals and invigorate the perennials.
Can you blend a unique seed mix for me?Yes. We'd be happy to blend a mix to your specifications with any seed we have in stock. For seed not in stock, a minimum quantity is required. Details vary so send us a note with your thoughts and we'll get back to you.
Why can't I see the shopping cart?Occasionally there is a browser glitch, simply hit the browser refresh the button and it should show up.
What are the shipping charges?Shipping charges are applied based on the order size ($).
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