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This stout plant often acts as a biennial: mostly vegetative the first year, with a few flowers, then display an impressive amount of blooms in the second year.  The flowers are an important late-season source of pollen and nectar for butterflies, native bees, syrphid flies, wasps and other beneficial insects. 


  • Height- 24”-36”
  • Width- 12”-18”
  • Water: Dry to Wet (lives anywhere!)
  • Sun: Full sun to part shade
  • Bloom time: July-August
  • Direct sowing: fall sowing is recommended as this species usually has a fair amount of seed dormancy. Seeds usually need 45-90 days of cold moist chilling (35-40 degrees) before seeds will germinate in spring.
  • Growing transplants: sow seeds in containers and place outdoors in or in a cold frame in February, seeds should germinate as temperatures rise in late March.

Puget Sound Gumweed


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