A special blend of annuals that thrive in wet areas and saturated clay soils. This mix has a reatively long bloom time with the montia starting in March! Meadowfoam, sea blush, red maids blooming in April and the monkeyflowers and calicoflowers blooming in June/July. Great for rain gardens, bioswales or filling in around perennials. About half of the species will germinate in the fall, and the rest will germinate in the spring. These annuals reseed themselves. Sow in fall or spring.6 grams covers 100 sq ft at a rate of 60 seeds per square foot. Most of the seeds are TINY.
Downingia yina 15%
Downingia elegans 15%
Erythranthe guttata 15%
Galium trifidium 5%
Limnathes douglasii 10%
Mimulus tricolor 5%
Montia linearis 5%
Navarittia intertexta 10%
Plagiobothrys figuratus 5%
Plectritis congesta 5%
Calandrinia menziesii 10%
Rorripa curvilisiqua 5%
Sowing instructions: Mix with sand, potting soil, etc to achieve a manageable amount of material to spread over loosened, weed free soil. Rake lightly to barely cover the seed, no more than ¼”. 6 grams covers 100 sq ft. 18 grams covers 300 sq ft.
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