Finally a seed mix of herbaceous plants for shady areas! The species in this mix love partial shade. Many of the perennials will not bloom until their second growing season, but the annuals will put on a show in the first year. Best sown in fall. 10 grams covers 100 sq ft at a rate of 45 seeds per square foot.
Aquilegia formosa 4%
Asyneuma preanthoides 3%
Bromus vulgaris 8%
Collinsia grandiflora 5%
Delphinium trollifolium 3%
Geum macrophyllum 10%
Ligusticum apiifolium 5%
Phacelia heterophylla 5%
Rupertia physodes 5%
Thalictrum occidentalis 1%
Nemophila parviflora 10%
Tellima grandiflora 20%
Collomia heterophylla 10%
Sanicula crassicaulis 5%
Claytonia siberica 5%
Carex hendersonii 1%
Sowing instructions: Best if sown in the fall. Mix with sand, potting soil, etc to achieve a manageable amount of material to spread over loosened, weed free soil. Rake lightly to barely cover the seed, no more than ¼”.
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